A blog dedicated to finding the Best in Food. Wine. Joy. Life.
Hey there Besties. This week went a little sideways at times, including some technical issues. Hopefully, it is only that my power cord needs to be replaced, but I am going to also have to look into a new laptop soon. I got about half-way through my What's Up Wednesday the other night and then there was a black screen of death. I may post it Friday but who knows!
Today I am here with my very patient co-host Holly for our fun link-up, Monthly Musings. Even though Valentine's Day was a few weeks ago, we are keeping all the love going and sharing How We Show Love. If you are linking up with us, please link back to the both of us in your intro and also try to visit some of the other writers who join us. Let's dive into Monthly Musings.
1. What is your love language?
I think mine (and Running Daddy's) is acts of service. I love a cleaned-up kitchen in the morning or if you pick up wine. I am not going to lie, the weekend that Hockey Guy came home for Christmas I did a ton of baking...and I don't bake a lot.
Happy Monday Besties. I know that I have been off this site for a bit this month. I came down with a nasty sinus infection early this month and it has taken me a bit to get rid of it. It also has brought some fatigue that has been tough to kick.
Today I am back for Hello Monday with Sarah and Holly to share the topics for February's Monthly Musings. Although Valentine's Day was earlier in the month, we want to keep the love going. Our topic for Thursday's Monthly Musings is How We Show Love.
If you would like to join us on Thursday as a writer, grab our graphic, link back to Holly and me in your post and then answer the questions in the prompts. Be sure to stop by and visit the other writers who join us every month too.
The full schedule for Monthly Musings is below. We are a very welcoming group and we would love to have you join us!
I will hopefully see you back here on Wednesday for What's Up Wednesday and on Thursday for Monthly Musings.
Hey there Besties, we are slowly but surely making our way through January. This month feels long doesn't it? Now that we are nearing the end of January, I am linking up with Shay and Shaeffer for What's Up Wednesday. Even though I know January has been challenging for a lot of people, but let's finish this month strong.
What We're Eating This Week
Monday-Running Daddy has a class on Monday night so we both do our own thing. I had a turkey burger, a few sweet potato fries and cucumbers.
Tuesday-Taco bowls with salad.
Wednesday-Sheet pan chicken parmesan with salad
Thursday-Not sure yet, I need to figure that out.
Friday-We are going out on Friday. More to come on that.
Happy Monday Besties. Has everyone recovered from all of the football watching? I am not much of an NFL fan, but we definitely had the games on in the background yesterday.
Today I am linking up with Sarah and Holly for Hello Monday to share the topics for January's Monthly Musings scheduled for Thursday. In January we will discuss Winter Self-Care. This is a topic that is super important to me and I hope you will join us as a writer, reader or both!
I am planning to be back here on Wednesday for What's Up Wednesday and then on Thursday for Monthly Musings.
Welcome to the first Hello Monday of 2025. I am linking up with Sarah and Holly to share my word for 2025 and later in the post ways that we are trying to help with the devastation in the Los Angeles area. Hopefully, this will prompt others to find their own ways to help.
I have not been making resolutions the past few years (although I am a first-timer at Dry January this year), I have been focusing on a word instead. My word for 2024 and Less and I did focus on this word during the year, especially when I felt overwhelmed. I definitely did Less during the holidays, with the exception of decorating, and it freed me up to do more simple things that I actually enjoyed like baking easy Christmas cookies, a family trip and just embracing the Christmas season in general.
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